
07 June 2007

Poetry Map has added a new feature to their website. Now there is a National Poetry Map. Click on the state you are interesting in and you'll be redirected to a page containing information on writers from that state and samples of their work. Additionally, there is local information such as conferences, festivals, readings and nearby bookstores. When I came across this link today, I visited several states and found interesting information. A nice place to spend a few hours on the net.

On the Indiana site, one of the featured poets is Ethridge Knight. His poem Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane is a poem that I first read about 25 years ago. I re-read it this evening; it is still just as powerful. You can read it here.


Kay Cooke said...

Have enjoyed catching up on your latest posts. As usual you excite my yen to read more.

Anne Camille said...

ChiefBiscuit -- thanks for the words of encouragement. My posting has been sporadic of late. I thought I'd try to post every day in June, but obviously that didn't last long. But, at least I'm writing something here occassionally. :)