1. Participants must be willing to identify themselves by either his/her known blogging pseudonym or real name. Your blog will be identified and linked and I'll post a brief description of you & your blog (I'll ask you to provide the description). No intentions to 'out' anyone if you blog pseudonymously, but I do want to know whose comments I'm posting on my blog. So, no 'anonymous' participants will be allowed.
2. I don't have a set number of participants in mind and I have no idea how many people will be willing to participate. Probably 5 is an ideal number. If I get more volunteers than that, I'll try for a cross-section of bloggers. Who knows? Maybe I'll do other roundtables in the future if this one works well. (I have dozens of ideas for future ones!)
3. If you want to participate & your email is not on your blog, please send me an email (see sidebar; you know what to do: remove the spaces, etc.) in addition to comments left here so that I can contact you.
4. I will send out the questions and will want first responses within 4 - 5 days. A compilation of responses will be redistributed to the participants so that they can comment upon what others have said. That way, it's a discussion, not stand-alone comments. I'll turn this around in 2 days after receiving the responses.
5. Feedback/follow up comments on the first round will be due within 2 - 3 days.
6. I'll take all feedback, edit for length (if necessary). I also reserve the right to edit for appropriateness. (Hey! Nice people post here, so I don't anticipate this being necessary!) Before posting, I'll send out one more time so that the participant has a chance to review for correctness any editing done. I don't want to misrepresent your ideas!
7. If you want to participate, I must have your email address. I would recommend that you not leave it in the comments unless you love spam. Instead, send to me at my email address posted in the sidebar. (Yes, this is a repeat of #3
8. I'd like to post the roundtable discussion (with links to your blogs) by Nov 15.
9. Provided I have enough volunteers to participate by 11/3, the timeline would look like this:
Questions to participants 11/4
Responses due 11/8
Compilation to participants by 11/10
Feedback/followup by 11/12
Final copy to participants 11/14
Publish post 11/15
I think this will be fun. I hope you want to play along, either as a partipant, or in the comments when I post on Nov 15.